Everyone has a story, a why they are doing what they are doing, but they also have a where are they going next in their story too, and often this is not as easy to answer. Maybe you feel stuck, your work-life balance is imbalanced. Maybe you’d like help setting new goals? This is where coaching comes in. Nicole is your partner supporting and helping you along your journey of exploration and self-discovery of what is your ideal future, your way forward.
She intentionally focuses her coaching on supporting and partnering with women facing career and personal life transitions. We all know that a key concern for women is work life balance. A recent survey conducted by Pew Research confirmed what we already intuited, that women more than men adjust their careers for family life. This can cause significant career interruptions and other unforeseen challenges. Further, since women are always caring for others, they are the last to think about themselves. It’s important to give yourself the time to explore how to get unstuck, reestablish balance or establish new goals.
Nicole will help you see the way forward from whatever situation you’re facing, work or personal, to feel recharged, more balanced and empowered for all your future possibilities.
Your inquiry meeting with Nicole is FREE! At this meeting Nicole will introduce herself to you in more depth, she will discuss what coaching is and isn’t, you will share your story with her and together you will see if there is a fit.